
Mennonite Economic Development Associates (MEDA) is an international economic development organization whose mission is to create business solutions to poverty. Founded in 1953 by a group of Mennonite entrepreneurs, we partner with people living in poverty to start or grow small and medium-sized businesses in developing regions around the world.

Job Position: Program Research & Impact Evaluation Consultant to Conduct the Final Evaluation of the Youth Entrepreneurship and Women’s Empowerment (Nigeria WAY) Project

Job Location: Bauchi

Job Description

  1. Since 2017, MEDA has been implementing the Youth Entrepreneurship and Women’s Empowerment (Nigeria WAY) Project in Bauchi state. Nigeria WAY is a seven-year initiative (April 2017 to March 2024), funded by Global Affairs Canada (GAC) with a value of over CAD 15 million.
  2. The project is aimed at assisting poor, economically active women and youth to increase their income, specifically, those who are involved in agro-processing in the rice, soybean, and groundnut value chains. Using a private sector approach, MEDA Nigeria works with small-scale businesses (SSBs), Entrepreneurs (ENs) particularly those led by women and youth, to ensure they are included in market systems, supporting agro-processing with smart incentives.
  3. Additionally, the project works with communities and families to improve the environment where girls grow up and join the market economy. The projects strategic objectives are:
    • Improved business performance of ENs and SSBs particularly those run by women and youth (70% women), in targeted agricultural value chains.
    • Improved business environment fostering growth of ENs and SSBs, particularly those run by women and youth, in selected agricultural value chains of crops originating in Bauchi State.
    • Enhanced provision of community and family support to address issues of early marriage by promoting economic engagement as one tool to address the issue.

In alignment with Canada’s Feminist International Assistance Policy, the project is also committed to a gender responsive strategic approach, which includes:

  1. Access to agrotechnology to reduce time and labour in processing activities;
  2. Technical assistance to Small Scale Businesses to help them grow their market share;
  3. Access to finance to support growth of businesses and entrepreneurial efforts; and
  4. Build community support for the reduction of social barriers that affect girls’ socio-economic development, including but not limited to, early and forced child marriage.

It is expected that the project will directly benefit 41,000 people with different interventions to achieve two main outcomes:

  • 15,750 ENs and 250 SSBs with improved business capacity and business environment, and,
  • 25,000 community and family members with increased awareness and capacity to address issues of early marriage.

Evaluation Purpose

  1. MEDA is committed to assessing the performance and impact of its initiatives; and promoting knowledge reporting and utilization.
  2. The purpose of the final evaluation is to examine the impact of the Project with specific focus on:
    • Assessing positive changes within the communities of operation within Bauchi state as it relates to the livelihood of Project clients (considering measures of decent work and women’s role and contributions within their communities)
    • Assessing the Project’s contributions to the agri-sector in Bauchi state (examining alignment with Nigeria’s agriculture agenda for development, collaborations with sector actors, environmental sustainability considerations etc.)
    • Identifying project strengths, weaknesses, and challenges, with specific focus on program management and resourcing
    • Identifying facilitating and inhibiting factors vis-à-vis project results
    • Assessing the results of the Gender Equality and Social Inclusion (GESI) interventions (GALS, Social Dialogue, Life Skills for Boys/Girls, and Mentoring)
    • Providing recommendations for future MEDA programming in Nigeria
  3. The OECD DAC criteria of relevance, efficiency, and effectiveness (specific to the Project’s design, allocation and management of its resources and furtherance of its intended results), will also be a guide for the analysis.
  4. The results and recommendations of this evaluation are intended for use by MEDA and the donor to inform future programming in Nigeria. The findings may also be shared with other key stakeholders like the Project clients, government, and industry stakeholders.

Review Scope and Criteria

  1. The evaluation will consider all the activities, outputs, and results produced during the life of the Project (i.e., November 2017-to September 2023) and will gather data from multiple stakeholders across the Project’s zone of influence (the seven LGAs in Bauchi State).
  2. Past and present Nigeria WAY staff and partners, sector stakeholders, and clients are key to capturing a wholesome review of what worked and what did not.
  3. Equally important are the design changes and focus on gender equality transformation, and the creation of decent work opportunities.

Review Approach and Methodology

  1. The evaluation will use the Participatory Action Research (PAR) approach that maximizes shared learning. The evaluation will use multiple lines of evidence, both qualitative and quantitative, to triangulate findings. The study will make use of existing project monitoring and results data (e.g. baseline and outcome reporting) to develop data collection instruments and make comparative assessments.
  2. The evaluation should consider Adaptive Results-Based Management (aRBM) approaches to determine the extent to which the project was managed for results. Specifically, there is need to highlight what were the efficiencies and areas needing improvement in the project’s RBM system.
  3. Further, the consultant should determine the Project’s Optional Benefit Cost Ratio by calculating the relationship between the relative costs and benefits (income, jobs, assets) resulting from project interventions.

Job Responsibilities

Under the overall guidance of the Evaluation Advisory Committee, the Consultants will prepare a detailed work plan that details the proposed methodology including the sampling techniques, the timelines of the different stages of the evaluation, and deliverables. At a minimum, the work plan should include the following:

  1. Detailed evaluation methodology with sampling protocol
  2. Data gathering tools
  3. Proposal for data analysis (component areas aligning with evaluation objectives and priority areas); and
  4. Proposal for data validation and reporting

Deliverables and Time Frame:

  • The evaluation is expected to be done within the months of September and December 2023. The deliverables expected will be based on the four phases of the evaluation.

Technical Oversight:

  1. An Evaluation Advisory Committee (EAC) will be formed, comprising key project stakeholders, to provide technical guidance to ensure alignment with industry and MEDA’s research and evaluation standards.
  2. The Evaluation Advisory Committee will meet with the consultants at the end of the first three phases of the evaluation as described in the table above; and will be available as needed for technical guidance.


  1. The budget for the final evaluation is CAD 31K.

Logistical Arrangements:

  1. The local project team will be responsible for making logistical arrangements for field visits and scheduling interviews with key stakeholders.

Job Requirements

  1. At minimum 10 years’ experience working in program research and impact evaluation
  2. Experience in gender equality and social inclusion assessment
  3. Market system programming and evaluation within the agriculture sector (considering gender empowerment sensitivity and integration in the development field)
  4. Strong familiarity with the Nigerian context, especially northern Nigeria
  5. Knowledge of results-based management, strong qualitative and quantitative research skills
  6. Analysis, interpretation, and writing skills.

Application Deadline
14th August, 2023 (5pm Ontario, Canada time).

How to Apply
Interested and qualified candidates should send their Applications to: medanigeria@meda.org using “Nigeria WAY Final Evaluation” as the subject of the mail.

Applications should include the following information:

  1. A copy of the CV (CVs) of the evaluator(s) including a list of previous evaluations that are relevant in relation to the location, context, and subject matter of this assignment.
  2. A description of how the evaluators’ skills, qualifications, and experience are relevant to the requirements as described in the ToR.
  3. A statement confirming the availability of the evaluators to conduct this assignment.
  4. A statement confirming that the candidates are not engaged or had any previous involvement in the delivery of the MEDA NigeriaWay Project in Bauchi State or have a personal relationship with any of the MEDA officials who are engaged in this Project.


  1. For clarifications, please email “Rolene Guilland” at: rguilland@meda.org
  2. Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted. Thank you for your submission.